Four Jackson Rotary Members Recieve Paul Harris Awards

On Monday, March 21st,, 2016, District 7500 joined our southern District (7640) to welcome the President of Rotary International, K. R. “Ravi” Ravindran to a spectacular function called the “Be a Gift to the World Dinner.” The event was held at the beautiful Lucien’s Manor on Route 30, Berlin, NJ. The event began at 5:30 with a cocktail hour and dinner at 6:30PM This was a unique and rare event for the sitting RI President to present a Paul Harris Fellow (or higher recognition).
When the RI President, who is a citizen of Sri Lanka, had completed his remarks recapping his year of service as RI President, he then made the award presentation, including to four of our members, pictured below: Virginia Khoudary

Josephine Corbiscello

Mike Langroth,
Tim Sculthorpe,