Jackson Rotary Sponsors School District Spelling Bee
Posted on Apr 05, 2017
Monday, April 3, 2017 the Jackson School District held the Annual School District Spelling Bee. Starting with 28 youngsters, all of whom had already competed and won a spot at their home school, the Spelling Bee was a long=lasting exercise which went on for 32 rounds. Eventually, the event was won by a 5th Grader from Switlick Elementary School, Jordyn Wolosky.
The runner up is a 4th Grader from Elms Elementary School, Arya Patel.
Jackson Rotary Board members on hand to present the winner's trophy, as well as the Barnes a Noble gift cards to all of the participants, were Treasurer Helen Cerulli, Secretary Jo' Corbiscello and President George Corbiscello
The Spelling Bee Coordinator, Aju Mathews, Switlick Elementary School, along with Spelling Bee Pronouncer Stephanie Rosato, Crawford-Rodriguez Elementary School, and the judges for the Spelling Bee..
2017 Spelling Bee Champion Jordyn Wolosky is pictured standing at the left in the front row, next to Riley Solovay, who was the Switlick Elementary School winner, along with another contestant. In the back row, from the left is Aju Mathews, District Spelling Bee Coordinator, David Kasyan, Assistant Principal at Crawford-Rodriguez Elementary Scool and Spelling Bee Master of Ceremonies, Jackson Rotary President George Corbiscello and Treasurer Helen Cerulli.